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Artist Development

One on One Session with the Artist Development team to assess where you currently are as an artist and create  a plan for the next steps  to launch your brand.

Artist Management

Management put in place to serve as professional guide in the entertainment industry


A meeting to discuss the wants and needs of  potential artists. and discover what DLE has to offer.

Project Management

Person/People put in place to oversee all aspects of a given project. Planning, executing, and closing projects 

Music Marketing

Marketing plans set to bring about continued opportunities and sales. Keeping Artist in the forefront  with tours, interviews, etc

Industry Event Planning

The Planning and execution of  Industry level events. Including design, advertisement, management, recruitment, and  break down.


Publicity encouraging the support of artist and their careerss


Electronic Press Kit. Pre packaged promotional materials distributed to members of the media for promotional use.

DJ Blast

Music blasted to Djs In the hottest regions


Legally binding written agreements. Written and handled by DLE representation on behalf of artists.

Round Table Sessions

 Training events that teach Independent Music Artists how to navigate through the music industry by arming them with helpful information.


Offering Notary services starting at $10

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